Thursday 5 July 2012

Illterviews - Nego True Interview

Nego True

Illterviews – Nego True

Nego True is a rapper from East London. He recently appeared on SBTV. We catch up with him to talk about how he got his name, how he got in touch with SBTV, his opinion of the medium and much more!

Nego True, introduce yourself; How did you get your name, how long have you been rapping?

Nego, just the average guy from East London. My name came from my young days in my area, Leyton. It initially had a derogative meaning, but after my mum started going church in 2008, she saw 'Nego' in the Bible and assumed I got it from there, after reading the story of 'Abed-Nego' it seemed to match my life so I kept the name. The 'True' part was because my friends said I never used to respond with much words, if they said something I'd always just say "True". so it became my trade-mark and eventually part of my name.
Been rapping? 7 months. I used to rap in secondary school as I state in my 'I Wonder' song. But, I gave up for three years because from the age of 16 I kept telling myself I was too old to rap, until the beginning of this year when I thought, I might as well give it a try, and it seems to be kicking off faster then I assumed.

Have you had any projects out so far? What has the response to them been?

Not at all. Just started, but I've got a mixtape coming out in the beginning of August. I've had demand for a mixtape, but I didn't know me rapping was going to bring about this reaction so I'm working as fast as I can to provide something for everyone that's supporting me.

You first started making real waves when your SBTV video came out. How did you get in touch with SBTV?

It was the most random way. He gave out his skype to everyone that was following him on twitter. So I took my chance, added him (Jamal Edwards). Rang him, he didn't answer. He rang me back I missed it, thought my chance was gone. Then at 3 a.m my skype starts ringing, It's Jamal. We spoke for a bit, then I told him I rap and do poetry and offered to show him my lyrics, He heard me and instantly wanted me on SBTV. He sent me his personal number and the rest is on YouTube.

They (SB) are one of many UK based youtube platforms around at the moment. What benefit do you think outlets such as SBTV have on the scene?

It's a great thing, It's literally a virtual concert. They provide the audience and the artist provides the talent, or lack off based on their reaction. It allows everyone to see what talent the country or globe have.

Your video was wordplayed out! Definitely one of the most lyrical video's i've seen on the channel. Is the 'wordplay rap' the route you have always taken? How do you go about constructing the complexity?

Thanks, I appreciate that. I've always loved playing with words and trying to be creative. I don't always use wordplay, but when I do I just make sure I'm not just doing it to do it. So I will try and tell a story or paint a picture and throw the wordplay in without making it obvious or stating I just dropped a metaphor. Feel the wordplay isn't as important as what I'm saying so I do it but make it part of the whole body.

Who else have you worked with in the scene?

Nobody in the scene. Just friends so far, I like to keep certain morale standards with my music. It's difficult to find other rappers, that don't talk about sex, crime, being the best etc. . .

Who would you like to work with in the future?

Wretch 32

What are you working on at the moment, any mixtapes or EPs etc? When can we expect them to come out?

Yeah. . .'Future Memories' - The Mixtape, coming out in August. Grab that.

Any shout outs?

Yeah. I want to shout out everyone that's supported me so far and shared my videos around.

Let us know where to get in touch with you, and any links you want to promote!

@NegoTrue the twitter or 'Nego True' on facebook
My latest video: Nego True - We can be real
and also Nego True - Memories
I directed and edited both videos!

Interview By Precinct Phantom

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