Wednesday 4 July 2012

Illterviews - Ceezlin Interview


Illterviews – Ceezlin

Ceezlin is a rapper from Brighton who has a buzz that is building. We catch up with him to talk about the Brighton scene, Don't Flop and the battle scene, his flow and more.

Ceezlin, introduce yourself; How did you get your name, how long have you been rapping?

TC JOHNSTON aka CEEZLIN, 21 year old rapper,singer & song writer born &raised in Brighton.
Been rapping since early teens
TC JOHNSTON is just my real name and CEEZLIN was made up by my bredrin BLAM (RF GANG). I can't give you the exact details of how CEEZLIN came about because the story is too ridiculous lol.

What projects have you put out in the past? How have they been received?

My debut album 'CEEZLIN SEASON' produced and mastered by SCIZZAHZ is available pretty much everywhere online for free download with the option of a donation if you wish, as is my mixtape 'CEEZLIN THE MIXTAPE' . I also have 2 E.P.s online for free download, one with EMPDY and the other with THE INVIGILATORS. My album is up on the SBTV website with a great review from writer Grant Brydon. The download numbers for my album and mix tape are in the 1000's and counting. Me and EMPDY have a music video on YouTube for a track from the E.P titled 'Time To Move' and that's had really good feedback. A track called 'BLAM' was played on MTV's show Snooki and Jwoww a couple of days ago.

You've battled in Don't Flop a number of times. What's your opinion of the battle scene, and where do you see it progressing to? Especially since Don't Flop has been building rapidly in popularity lately.

Don't Flop is ledge. Love the events, most of the people are legends. The battle scene is growing in the UK, well don't flop is growing massively anyway, no disrespek toward any other uk battle leagues. I hope battle stays as BATTLE RAP and doesn't become two people that think they can get away with rapping in a battle because they have a funny accent or look funny or something. IT'S RAP BATTLING NOT stand up comedy you feel me? I don't want battle rap to become gimmicky. Because if you look at the history/roots of battle rap it's not like that. It's real.
I don't want the future of battle rap to loose it's roots.
Anyway enough touch on battle rap . #DFAFD

You're an active member of the Brighton Hip Hop scene, part of Rum Committee. What do you think the Brighton scene has that sets it apart from the rest of the country?

Firstly Brighton rappers and artists in general have it hard making music in Brighton because it's real hard to get noticed here. Everybody focuses on London and the midlands and up north but hardly down south. Open your eyes industry peope! Theres plenty of talent in Brighton for you to discover if you do your job and LOOK!
The Brighton scene just has its own vibe, it's different to everywhere , we all bum each other because we are ALL gay. Nah I'm uffin witchu. The vibe is just different , the majority get on with each other musically , there's next to no music 'beef' and even tho it's still not alot, there's support for one an other here. Brightonians want Brightonians to do well. I think Brighton music has a noticable positive feel to it as well.

Personally, I think your flow is the what makes your music so memorable. Was it just natural, or something you had to work on?

Just natural, but it certainly improves with being worked on.
I got bars as well though haha! Don't let the intricate flows make you miss the lyrics!
You've gotta have a balanceof everything, flow, voice, lyrics. You've gotta be unique

What other artists have you worked with in the scene?

Just check online!
I don't wanna miss anyone out and upset them.

Who would you like to work with in the future?

Everyone and anyone I mesh with on a level musically and just in general.

What are you working on at the moment, any mixtapes or EPs etc? When can we expect them to come out?

I've got sooooooooooooooooooooo much material you wouldn't believe. I make 5 tracks a week on average, sometimes more. You do the math . Ive got 100's of tracks I'm sitting on and tweaking etc.
Keep your eyes pealed and your ears sharp on YouTube, iTunes, TV, Radio. It's all coming

Any shout outs?

I'm not gonna bother because I wanna shout out too many and I don't wanna leave anyone out . All people's know who they are . Luv y'all.
Thanks to you guys for interviewing me :)

Let us know where to get in touch with you, and any links you want to promote!

Http:// log on or jog on

Follow me on and all my fan pages. Like my fan page on subscribe to or just google me.

Peace, love and unity.

Interview By Precinct Phantom

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